Windwos 7 Beta 일반 사용자를 위한 Product key 제공
UPDATE : Notice that you’re now viewing this page on another server and that’s the reason the old comments are not available at the moment (they’re not lost/erased!).
Because of the overloaded Microsoft servers it can be hard to get a valid key. To get a valid key the fastest just follow these simple steps :
Step 1 : Logon to (click on Sign in in the upper right corner)
Step 2 : Copy (Don’t CLICK IT!) one of the links below to the address bar and press enter :
32-Bit key : (don’t click, Copy and Paste!)
64-bit key : (don’t click, Copy and Paste!)
Tip : You can use the 64-bit during a 32-bit installation and a 32-bit key during a 64-bit installation (it seems that getting a 64-bit key is faster!)
Step 3 : If you receive the error below, just press F5 to refresh (I had to refresh more then 10 times before I received the key), if you’re being redirected then you didn’t follow the steps 1 and 2 correctly!