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Social Media ROI


by firstlove 2010. 12. 12. 19:56


Social Media ROI

February 25, 2010

The Formula Simplified

Return – Investment = ROI

defined as
Buzz Marketing
Using high-profile entertainment or news to get people to talk about your brand
Conversation volumes, SOV, MMM, Reach, Sentiment
Viral Marketing
Creating entertaining/informative messages designed to be passed along in exponential fashion
Conversation volumes, SOV, MMM, Reach, Sentiment
Community Marketing
Forming or supporting niche communities that are likely to share interests about a brand; providing tools, content and information to support those communities
Advocacy, Cost Deflection, Cost per Conversion, Conversation Volume and Share, Influence, MMM, Reach,  Sentiment Analysis, Value of Conversation
Grassroots Marketing
Organizing and motivating volunteers to engage in personal or local outreach
Advocacy, Cost per Conversion, Conversation Volume and Share, Influence, MMM, Reach, Sentiment Analysis, Value of Conversation
Evangelist Marketing
Cultivating evangelists, advocates, or volunteers who are encouraged to take a leadership role in actively spreading the word on your behalf
Advocacy, Cost per Conversion, Conversation Volume and Share, Influence, MMM, Reach, Sentiment Analysis, Value of Conversation

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