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영어 인터뷰 자주 나오는 유형


by firstlove 2009. 12. 31. 10:03


1) 장점- Strengths
  • What do you consider to be some of your most outstanding qualities?
  • What is your greatest strength or asset?
  • In what areas have others been particularly complimentary about your abilities? Why?
  • From a performance standpoint, what do you consider your major attributes?
  • Describe your three greatest strengths and tell me how you used them to bring about improvements in your job.
  • In what ways are your qualifications unique or distinctive?
  • What would your current boss describe as your three greatest assets? Why? 

   2) 단점- Weaknesses
  • From a work stanpoint, what has been your biggest shortcoming? Why?
  • As you view your overall qualifications for this position, what do you see as some of your development needs?
  • What aspect of your overall capabilities would you most like to improve? 

   3) 인간관계- Interpersonal Skills
  • With what kind of people do you most enjoy working?
  • With what kind of people do you have difficulty working? Why?
  • Describe your relationship with your past boss.
    1. In what areas did you agree?
    2. In what areas did you disagree? Why?
  • What factors most influenced your positive feelings?
  • Tell me about a time when you had a major conflict with another employee.
    1. What was the cause of the conflict?
    2. What things did you do to alleviate the problem?
    3. What were the results?
  • What aspects of your interpersonal skills would you most like to improve? Why?
  • If you sense you are not fitting in well with a group and feel that you are being treated as an outsider, what would you do? 

   4) 선호하는 업무 유형- Preferred Type of Work
  • What type of work do you find most stimulating and rewarding? Why?
  • How would you describe the type of work do you like to do?
  • How would you categorize the kind of work you least like doing?
  • How would you describe the “ideal job” from a work content standpoint? 

   5) 특성과 개성- Traits and Characteristics
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What words best describe your personal style?
  • Which of your personal traits and characteristics do you feel have most hindered your career progress?
  • In your most intimate conversations with family or close friends, what have people said they most like about you?
  • Of which of your personal traits and characteristics are you most proud, and why? 

   6) 직업관- Business Philosophy
  • How would you describe your overall business philosophy?
  • What do you feel is essential to having a successful business environment?
  • What values are important to sustain a successful business in the long run?
  • In your judgement, what factors account for most business failures?
  • What do you believe are universal characteristics of successful organizations?
  • Describe the planning and decision-making processes important to successful business operations. 

   7) 성장환경- Early Background(Childhood)
  • Describe the environment in which you grew up.
  • What do you remember about your life as a child?
  • Who most influenced you as a child? In what ways did they influence you?
  • Describe your relationship with your brothers or sisters (if any).
  • What beliefs do you hold deeply as a result of your early life experience?
  • How would you describe your relationship with your parents?
  • In what ways did your father most influence your life? 

   8) 창의력- Creativity
  • Give me an example of something very creative that you did. Why was it creative? 

   9) 모험심- Willingness to Take Risks
  • What was the biggest business risk you have ever taken?
    1. Why was it risky?
    2. What prompted you to take the risk?
    3. What was the outcome? 

  10) 분석력- Analytical Ability
  • Describe how you would approach the following complex problem (describe problem). 

  11) 판단력- Judgement
  • What examples can you cite of your ability to apply prudent judgement in a delicate situation?
    1. Why was the situation delicate?
    2. Why did you do it?
    3. What was the outcome? 

  12) 계획력- Planning Skills
  • Describe your planning process.
    1. How often do you do planning?
    2. What are the steps in your plannning process?
    3. How important is planning to organizational success? 

  13) 의사전달 능력- Communications Skills
  • Give me an example of a complex communications problem that you faced.
    1. What made it complex?
    2. Why was it difficult to communicate?
    3. How did you solve this problem?   

  14) 지원직에 대한 자기평가- Self- Assessment (for Target Position)
  • If you were the emplyer, knowing what you know about your overall qualifications for this position, what would be your greatest concern? Why?
  • With what aspects of this position are you most comfortable? 

  15) 포부- Ambition
  • What goals have you set for yourself in life?
  • By what standards do you measure your personal success?
  • What plans do you have for self-improvement and personal development? 

  16) 융통성과 적응력- Flexibility and Adaptability
  • If you had an altercation with your boss and were told that you were being “rigid and inflexible” in your view, what would you do? 

  17) 협상력- Negotiating Skills
  • If I told you I was only going to give you a 5 percent pay raise, but you believed (based on current standards) you deserved 10 percent, what tactics would you use to convince me? 

  18) 설득력- Persuasiveness
  • Assume I have told you that I have interviewed three excellent candidates for this position, and you are one of them. Convince me why you the “best” candidate.
  • Give me an example where you failed to persuade someone to do something you felt would be good for business results.
    1. What was the issue?
    2. How did you attempt to persuade them?
    3. Why did your effort fail? 

  19) 팀웍- Teamwork
  • What has been your experience in working as part of a team?
  • What do you see as being the advantages and disadvantages of working as part of a team? Why? 

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